Block paving and pattern imprinted concrete both benefit from a regular maintenance.
Block paving tends to attract moss and weeds. The sand in the joints can eventually migrate and, over a period of time, can lead to sinking and spreading.
Pattern imprinted concrete should be resealed every three to five years depending on location and traffic to maintain the colour and lustre of its appearance.
Approachways offer a full refurbishment service for both pattern imprinted concrete and block paving installations. This not only invigorates their appearance but also extends their working life. We assess existing installations and offer an economical solution to reinvigorate them.
Existing pattern imprinted concrete is first deep cleaned using high pressure power washing equipment to remove all dirt and grime residues. Once dry, expansion joints are remasticed with a suitable flexible joint filler as required. Finally, the area is resealed using a high solids acrylic sealer by brush application or spraying, to restore the original lustre and high level of protection to the surface of the concrete.
Block paving is also deep cleaned using high pressure cleaning equipment to remove all dirt, moss, algae etc. Once fully dry, the area is resanded using kiln dried block paving sand to fill all of the joints between the paviers. Finally, the block paving is sealed by spray application of coats of PICSEAL block paving sealant.